IT Support

Hello world!

Here’s to the beginning of a brand new project!

After over 25 years of working on the front line of IT support, one IT support guru in his late forties decides it would be a great idea to document some of his experience into a blog and YouTube channel.

Sounds great – and it will be!…. it’s just taking a little longer to get started than I imagined it would be because I’m one of those perfectionists. It needs to work like a well oiled machine and, for this, we need a plan!

The plan is to use this web site to store the FAQ’s, the documentation and whatever else springs to mind as we move forward. This will be tied to the domain “”. Also tied to the domain is the more exciting bit. We’ll create a test bed where we can build, develop, add and delete various scenarios including Office 365 with Azure. We’ll be creating virtual machines to demonstrate all kinds of setups – but the important factor here is that it needs to be a proper test environment. Therefore, we’re not going to have a live, production environment within this domain. Everything will be done in a way that means we’re not exposing confidential or personally identifiable information and, if we screw something up, then it just won’t matter.

This project will be aimed at those of us ‘blessed’ with the task of keeping small businesses running. This is NOT an enterprise-level environment. We’re here at small business level, making the most of affordable systems and being creative where there seems to be no solutions written for us.

So, welcome to the beginning!
Watch this space!!